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Software solutions for my business - 6 benefits of Agile development

Mervyn Graham

Finding the right software solution for your business is becoming easier than ever. Traditionally, your business might have been limited to a more linear project but this is no longer the case with Agile.

Agile software development has plenty of benefits that you wouldn’t get from traditional methods as its adaptive nature better allows for change and improvement.

Agile breaks up the development progress into shorter stages known as sprints. Each sprint ends in a new iteration of a functioning product instead of one large undertaking. Here are 6 key benefits to agile in relation to software solutions for businesses -

Faster time to Market

In the earlier stages of development, Agile methods mean that a product can be delivered quickly and with a high frequency of pivotal updates.

The benefit of sprints can really be seen here as they provide a functioning product quickly with issues that crop up early being dealt with in a quick and responsive manner. 

As helpful as the speed of progress might be, the idea of splitting progress into sprints provides plenty of other benefits, especially when developing software solutions.

End user focus

Having a functioning software solution at the end of each phase means that the option to test it and get feedback from those who will be using it is available at all times.

Having input from those who will be using the solution the most means that the digital product is tailored specifically to their needs and that they can help make key changes early in the process. This ensures that hard work and resources aren’t wasted and the end product will be liked by end users.

Superior Quality project

Having the end user’s input can make sure that the product is continuously evolving to meet their specific needs but it also means that the software solution overall functionality is continuously being tested.

The earlier any bugs or issues are found in the software development project, the better. The frequent build stages or sprints mean that these kinds of issues are likely to be ironed out quickly, which will allow for smoother progress in the latter stages.

Allows for change

Goals and opportunities can always change along the way, so having a system that can adapt with it is a huge advantage of Agile Development. 

While there is an end goal in mind, that ideally wouldn’t change completely as the software project moves along, reprioritising can be an essential move.

As pressing issues are being dealt with first, backlogged adjustments and new ideas that crop up can be added at later stages and adjusted in a timely manner. This means changes can be done as a functioning software solution exists, allowing for a directional change if an idea doesn’t meet expectations.

Continuous delivery and improvement

The waterfall model is the more traditional alternative to Agile and where it differs greatly is in its linear, sequential progression. 

Agile software development avoids some of the more common pitfalls of the waterfall model and allows for further development in each stage of the process. The main difference being that the solution is constantly being tested to see where improvements could be made.

Project visibility and transparency

Waiting for a software build to go from start to finish may seem like an eternity for an end user who can only hope their needs will be anticipated and met.

When it comes to Agile, transparency is one of the main benefits that can be expected but it does mean that customers need to understand that they’re seeing a work in progress when they’re shown the software solution for the first time. 

The ability to see the progress does mean that the customers first viewing of the digital solution could lead to a lukewarm reception but it’s a small price to pay for an end product that’s more tailored for their needs. 

If you would like find out more about agile product management, watch our on-demand webinar here.